May 12, 2009
Better late than never. :D Um.. I was going to say something but then I forgot. o.o So I guess it wasn't that important. Have a good week, folks! :D
May 02, 2009
Well this one is drawn better than last week, but it could still be better than this. Still getting into the groove. And I've got these new
pens which are just evil to me. Anywho, glad to see some of you came back! ^_^ Oh and I'm working on the char pics
presently, so soon the char pages will be up.
April 26, 2009
Okay so it's been over half a year, but I brought SR back. I just can't quit you, comic. Please don't mind the art in this issue, I'm getting
back into the swing of things. It'll be better in the next issue, and so forth in the following issues. I haven't drawn anything in awhile. I
also got these new inking pens, and they're too thick. ><; But I'm working around them. Hopefully I'll have it all sorted out soon. If any of you
have come back, thanks. :D